Exercise A
User Testing (5%)
To be completed in class
This exercise is meant to be done in class, together with your partner, so you can watch your partner interact with your app. This will also allow you to ask follow up questions and discuss feedback they are providing you.
Each student will submit written notes taken during the in-class user testing session. You will pair with another student in the class to complete the exercise.
Using your prototype, create one or two scenarios to test the design of key features of your application. For example, if you were creating a mail application, you might ask your test users to "Send Jonny Appleseed the latest project brief PDF document." Place your prototype in front of your user and ask them to complete the tasks you just created.
During the test, students should take detailed notes about how the user is interacting with the prototype. For example:
- Can the user find what they are looking for? (Note issues with app structure including navigation, layout, and hierarchy)
- Where do users struggle to accomplish a task? (What might be the cause of the user not being able to complete the task? Can they find the button? Are labels clear? Etc.)
- Areas of confusion voiced during the test.
As the person testing a fellow students app, remember that your feedback should be clear and specific, concise, constructive and actionable.
Your instructor will circulate during the exercise to help you develop appropriate tasks for the test.
- Include the exact wording of the tasks you are testing.
- Notes taken from user testing session—bullet points are acceptable.
- A detailed list of the learnings from the test and adjustments you will make to your prototype based on those learnings.
- Export your written document as a PDF and submit the final PDF document according to the class work submission process.
- Due by the end of class, week 12.