In-Class Exercises

ICE 1 | ICE 2 | ICE 3 | ICE 4 | ICE 5

Between weeks 6 and 11 of this course, your instructor will deliver comprehensive lectures on HTML/CSS programming and best practices followed by in-class hands-on tutorials. For each in-class exercise (ICE), you are given a starting document(s) and a screenshot(s) of the final outcome. By the end of each class, you should modify the starting document to recreate the final HTML and CSS documents – as close as possible to the provided screenshot. All of your code should be validated with the HTML Validator and CSS Validator before submission.

In-Class Exercise 1

HTML (2%)

Due week 6: February 13 (at the end of class)

Recreate the following screenshot using only HTML elements/tags/attributes and proper values. Do not forget to validate your code.

In-Class Exercise 1 screenshot

Download the:

In-Class Exercise 2

CSS (2%)

Due week 8: February 27 (at the end of class)

Recreate the following screenshot using HTML/CSS. Do not forget to validate your HTML and validate your CSS.

In-Class Exercise 2 screenshot

Download the:

In-Class Exercise 3

Box Model (2%)

Due week 9: March 6 (at the end of class)

Recreate the following screenshot using HTML/CSS. Do not forget to validate your HTML and validate your CSS.

In-Class Exercise 3 screenshot

Download the:

In-Class Exercise 4

Due week 10: March 13 (at the end of class)

Recreate the following screenshots using HTML/CSS. Do not forget to validate your HTML and validate your CSS.

In-Class Exercise 4 screenshots

Download the:

In-Class Exercise 5

Positioning (2%)

Due week 11: March 20 (at the end of class)

Recreate the following screenshots using HTML/CSS. Do not forget to validate your HTML and validate your CSS.

In-Class Exercise 5 screenshots

Download the: